Monday, 19 December 2011

This is a request from a friend.

I wanted to wrote about how people change, you don't really realise yourself until you look back at the things you used to do or what you used to look like. But I mean all of this is just a part of growing up- finding out who you really are and really want to be. Making it's just taking yourself and your career a lot more seriously than before, or maybe it's the environment that has shaped who you are now.

I was thinking about all this, and I wondered what do you think changes a person more? Themselves? Or the influences around them? Because I feel that the person themselves wouldn't change who they were if they were accepted and felt that this is who they wanted to be. But the influence for changing themselves must have come from somewhere else, they wouldn't change themselves purely randomly? Because how would they know what to change to become?

I know this is all just part of finding who you are, but I wanted to just ask other people: without the modern influences of today- magazines, film, tv programmes, media, news etc. Do you really think people would change themselves without all this pressure to be someone they aren't?

Sorry for a short post- it was something that was requested from a friend, and I wanted it to be not a "Ellie rambling"; but more an input for other people. Also sorry for the inconsistent posts: internet in this house is so unreliable!


Wednesday, 14 December 2011

More photography and work.

I have't posted about my portfolio work in ages! And it seems to get more attention then me drowning on about the inspiration behind the work, which is understandable! So hopefully, as my learning curve I will add more work onto my blog: and make it something you want to see!

With my photography I have so many pictures I took that I am so proud of, but the main subject is a person. And I would need their consent to post them up here, so I am going to stick to other photographs depicting nature or animals. Although most of my work is based on the human figure (it's just such an amazing starting point for a lot of work, and such a skill to have- to draw from the human figure, and to capture the essence of what you want to create on camera), I think for my blog it is better for me to stick to things that I don't mind sharing with the internet!

I really love these two photos because they both have rich backgrounds and play around with the focus on the camera. I did have another photo like this that created a nice trio of ideas but the focus wasn't as good (She kept moving, and because it was portrait didn't quite match with the style and orientation of the others). But this is what it is about, using your eye for a good finished product and changing it around until you get something you are happy with! I used a flash to catch the darker and lighter tones, but this plays against her eyes: it seems to create a glazed effect. I did soften her eyes later on a simple photo editor that comes with all computers (just getting rid of red eye, it seems to get rid of some of the glazed-over eye look).

I will put some more of my hand drawn work up soon! It's just having to photograph it and upload the stuff seems never ending! So there will be more tips and hopefully more exciting work on here very soon!


Monday, 12 December 2011

Something that always captures my imagination.

Creating something new to me has always been such a huge eye opener. I rarely think about how much effort, time and money goes into things that normally everyone over looks. I guess this is a good thing- that I am delving deeper into assessing objects and people. But this skill is something that no one can just wake up and have. That's probably the reason I started my blog- I wanted to push myself to see if I could create something out of words rather than relying on photographs and drawings (so sorry for everyone who has commented on my work- which is all really sweet!) To be bored by what most people do on blogs: write things that mean things to them, and may not be what you as a reader want to hear!

So I wanted to generalise this post a bit, make it something most people have to have an opinion on one way or the other! Everyone has some outlet for their creativity: whether it is food, drawing, painting, writing or just simply dreaming of the future. I think the most imaginative is what everyone living person can do- dream. I has no boundaries, you don't even have to put the effort, time, money and risks into play when dreaming! It always fascinates me when psychiatrists look into people's dreams and can infer from that the reasons why they have that dream and what is effecting them in their life.

Food is always something everyone has opinions on; of course it would differ depending on the people you would talk to: the comments would be so different from say a Chef and a normal 5 year old! But for me it always has caught my imagination; trying new flavours, textures, recipes! (I think I may make a couple of posts about some things I have made- if they are successful at least! But I think part of the creative element is getting ready for the attempts you feel aren't the best choice ever!) I know I watch the TV and instantly become absorbed by things like 'Master Chef' and 'Heston's Feasts'. Both are so different from each other: Master Chef shows how ordinary people can achieve such masterpieces if they are determined and have that natural talent, while Heston's Feasts really show how creative you can get with food. (Although sometimes I do think he takes it too far! But none the less still something that leaves me in awe of him and his work!) I guess I use the terms "masterpieces" and "work" as though they are pieces of art: but to me food is art. Food is another way of expressing yourself - if you think about modern day art, those sculptures that look as if they could be made by me! Sell for millions! So something so sophisticated and delicate as Michelin-star food is to me art.

Writing is something I wish I could do better! I mean I do try my hardest to create fluency, but I don't think I do that as well as some others may have! I really aspire to be someone who can express themselves through all medias and technologies. And create a persona that entitles them to who they truly are, being themselves (as I call it not being a "sheep").

So please leave comments on who personally inspires you and what makes your imagination run wild!

Saturday, 10 December 2011

Snacks for scrutiny.

I think each food for thought title is going to have some sort of ring; changing it up every time just to add that unique-ness to each topic to ponder!

My last post like this I put some quotes on here and questioned them, but I think I might do something I have to question myself. I guess most of this is just opinions I feel personally, and just like my other post of "Food for thought" please feel free to comment- I would love to hear your opinions or any anecdotes!

My topic for today is technology more of a live saver than a risk?

I know this may sound silly as I am writing from my laptop- yes a source of technology that has gone global. But everyone has heard those horror stories of deceit over social networks and the risks the internet can carry. But I don't want to rant about the rather disturbing stories! Of course technology has saved so many lives, and I'm not denying that. But does the loss of live through all this deceit and lies out weigh all the lives it saves?

To my mind technology is something mind boggling, something I will never understand (although I am in no way an engineer or electrician!) It is so revolutionary, whether it is something that changes your life for example finding a new jobs or something totally life changing like operations. Through all these opportunities technology creates for so many people but does all the hurt and pressure outweigh all these pro's?  But maybe without the world of technology there would be less pain from words? threats? The internet creates a wall between people that makes it easier for people to threaten and belittle people because they can stay anonymous. This cyber bullying is for me the lowest form of bullying. The bully can stay anonymous which just makes them even more cowardly.

Technology has taught us so much about the world- exploring the moon, capturing photographs of what they have found, then documenting it on computers. But doesn't it also create pressure for anyone to have the updated/newest phone or Ipod? Maybe this secludes people who aren't as well off. Maybe this is just another way of separating people up into social groups.

So I wanted to be controversial and be biased towards the bad points of technology because I think the obvious points are for the advancement of technology. But please feel free to show your opinions!

Hope I hear from you!


Friday, 9 December 2011

The count down has already begun!

So the festive season is here! Whether you are a bit of a Scrooge or started counting down the days months before hand, Christmas is almost here!

Christmas is meant to be something that brings the family together, a season to be festive and giving. Christmas is probably the busiest months of the year- and for me some what stressful time getting presents together and meeting the family. So I just wanted to share some tips on reducing money on Christmas- I know that most people feel the weight of their wallets suddenly drop!

Just some key tips:

  • Don't wait until the December months to start buying Christmas presents! I know many people reading this may think that this is a simple tip that everyone knows, but really be honest to yourself it is a learning curve getting the timings right. Don't go for the Christmas merchandise, just because it has a Christmasy little logo on the side of it are you really willing to spend extra? Check around for things that aren't aimed at just Christmas, it may also make the products more appealing in other months than Christmas! So always be on the look out for presents for people (especially close family members first) straight away. You never know you might find the perfect gift one day and the next it's gone!
  • There are other ways of shopping; you can go online and search for the cheapest. This isn't meant to be an advertising site but I find Amazon is always good for DVDs and books. There is a section in Amazon which shows you the bargains and today's deal, which is cheaper, better quality and also saves hassle and money because it is delivered to your door! (But just make sure you check the postage rate, they can catch you out!)
  • Get your hands on as many vouchers as you possibly can! I know you may feel like you are wasting your time searching the internet to only get £5 for every £50 (or something that small or ridiculous!), but it all adds up! From personal experience I have found O2 priority moments really useful, you have to be an O2  phone user for the better deals (I'm not sure if you can get any deals through O2 if you aren't a user, I haven't really tried!). I got a 25% EVERYTHING in one purchase at New Look, I saved myself over £15. Boom, Christmas now doesn't seem so daunting!
  • You don't even need to rely on all these things above, you can personalise your Christmas presents by making them yourself! I know that brings a lot of worried faces when I mention this topic, but I don't think it's nearly as bad as it seems! You don't have to have a masters in art to make something special to you to give to someone else for Christmas. Just to through some ideas out there- drawings, letter (my friends seem to love this one- you can make a paragraph about how much this person means to you. Brings a smile to their face when they read it and all the stupid things we have gotten up to!), cooking, baking, jewellery  perfume, collage of pictures... The list is endless! I will add some links to some interesting ideas you can make your own at the end of this post, see if you can get inspired!
  • This is probably the most important part. Forward planning. I want you to objectify the amount of money you are willing to spend on each individual and if you can stretch to make it work. Separate your money out and check you can afford it before you go out and spend and come up short. The idea of Christmas is not to make you bankrupt! So begin all this months before, start saving up- don't go shopping and buy a new dress for Christmas day before you get the presents. Treat yourself to the dress after you get the tedious bit done first! 
I hope this has all been helpful! And now for the bit everyone wants to get to, the tips to a cheaper Christmas interests and inspirations. Good luck shopping! And if anyone knows any ways to create a even cheaper Christmas don't be afraid to comment and help everyone out!

O2 priority moments:
Love fashion sales- you sing up (it's free don't worry!) and you choose brands/shops that are on offer to you and you will get emails for when vouchers or products, that you are watching or fit the categories you chose, go on sale:
This is more or a girly site for presents but Body Shop always seems to email me with so many different discounts! If you let them know your email they will keep you up to date, and you can get expensive pampering things for a low price!

Inspiration for hand made presents:
Baking is something wonderful!...
That site is well tested from me, so I recommend it. It's easy to search for different recipes just into the search bar! You can also see the amount of stars and comments other people give the recipe if you are unsure about it. Fudge and Brownies are just the start, why not try Christmas cake? Cookies? Cupcakes? The list is endless!

Making wanting to make a collage for a friend with all the pictures? Or just edit them to then stick them all together by hand? From personal experience I find Picnik a more user friendly online photo editing site than others (I did try aviary, but for me that was disappointing. But again if you have any better sites please feel free to comment!)

If you want to make jewellery and you want it to look like you bought it from a professional jewellery maker as a one off. I advise getting some more expensive beads! I am a bit of a bead collector myself- you can't really have to many they are so useful for the old little jobs and rainy days! So I do have most of the equipment needed for the more fiddly detailed pieces. But if you want to start another hobby and create presents at the same time Bijoux beads are one of my favourites! Although this isn't exactly the cheapest form of jewellery making but it gives me so much entertainment of creating something for my friends I think it pays off! 

So this post may have been too late to help for this Christmas, but I hope it gave you some inspiration for the festive season! And Merry Christmas, good luck with your family get together's and shopping!


Tuesday, 6 December 2011

The camera never lies.

I wanted to write about a bit of photography, I have covered the subject before but in the sense of a portfolio and what it does to get your grades up. But I wanted to talk about what photographs can really mean.

Photographs capture so many things, not only do they capture the truth the can also capture the unseen. They can catch things that maybe you can't see but can infer from them. Emotions, are always so exposed when taking a photo. Even if you aren't taking a photo of a person who is clearly happy or upset. I mean looking beyond what the photo truly means and think about the reasons why they photographer has even taken that photo. Some dark or blurred can hide the truth while gaining mystery. Every photograph has a story to tell, whether it is something simple as wanting to catch something beautiful, or trying to show your full emotions through something no one can lie about.

I wanted to talk about the phrase " The camera never lies". Of course most of you are probably already screaming at the screen thinking "She clearly is living in the 17th Century!" But no matter how much you edit the photo you will never be able to get rid of what you took the photo of. All photos are beautiful, and I know I am someone who can hardly talk- I like editing photos and making them look different and stand out. And don't get me wrong I'm all for individuality! But leaving the photo as a simple form is sometimes the most beautiful thing there can ever be. I mean the old cliché of 'raw natural beauty'. But I think that sometimes people forget this, and this is more another subject (more of a bit of a rant here), but everyone is beautiful. No one is this 'barbie' character we had to grow up with as children. Every single person has there inner beauty, and I know everyone has their own insecurities. But that is just being human, no one is an ugly person. I believe that you are only a ugly person when you believe you truly are one. I don't mean in the sense of girls (or guys, just usually see this more on girls) of comments on facebook of girls really honestly believing they are ugly. I mean those people who let their personality become ugly, they let other people get hurt over what they have done and they don't care about what happens to that person who now feels like they need to feel worth something again. So although as I-a graphic design student- feel the need to express emotion though editing photos to capture the true natural beauty but in a way that no other artists have. Pushing the boundaries of the art. But I feel this should really stop when it comes to being insecure about yourself and editing photos. Everyone has tried it at one point in their lives, and I don't want anyone to feel like that is a sin of vain. But what I want to say is this "You are a beautiful person, nothing can ever take that away from you. If you truly care about other people more than you do yourself you are someone everyone should aspire to be." And there is the word my blog seems to not get enough of- aspire! So any one out there who is actually reading this, don't feel the need to put on a fake smile, to cover yourself up in make-up, to wear things that really aren't you. Be who you are, because you are your own person, and being afraid of showing that true person is something I hope never to see. So anyone who sees a edited photo (especially those very obvious photo-shopped pictures) just think to yourself how insecure they must be in themselves to try and show something different from the truth.

Side note: I think that some editing on photos is fine, it's when that person begins to rely on editing software to try and show how they want to be is something that really breaks my heart. I just want to tell anyone who relies on that to be someone/something they are not- you don't need to fit that stereotype. You don't need to prove anything to anyone. Just be yourself and people will love you for it. You are beautiful.

Be someone you would want to aspire to.

P.S - Sorry for not writing for ages! The internet went down in my house for like 3 days, and I had a busy week. I will do more regular posts though :)
