Sunday, 5 February 2012

My speech.

So I finally stopped having exams, and now I have the joys of "controlled assessments". Which basically is the same just in the classrooms. FUN.

The latest controlled assessment is in my English, and I have to create a speech on something that really inspires me, and I feel strongly on (enough to talk about it for 5 minutes making sustainable point).
We are allowed to talk about anyone, or anything.

There is so much that there is to talk about, but choosing one subject to create something powerful and interesting that everyone wants to listen to, while still making it strong by language techniques and fulfilling my criteria... Where to start!

I want to talk about assumptions and stereotypes. A topic that is very common on my blog. But I want to use snippets from my blog to help along with my english. I have spent so much time on this blog I think it is about time to share what I openly discuss on here!

But not only with the challenge of writing it all, we have to perform it, like a real speech would be said. I am fine with expressing myself quietly to people who actually want to take the time to hear me, my blog doesn't make anyone sit there and listen to me. It is for people who actually want to read about what I have to say. So HAVING to speak in front of people who couldn't care less how it goes to sit there and listen is daunting for me enough. Let alone the fact that I have huge stage fright.

I will hopefully post my speech on here once I have finished it, and tell you how it went!

Sorry for the boring update again, lots of coursework lately so the posts maybe less regular!


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