Sunday, 19 February 2012

Personal opinion turns to genocide.

Everyone is entitled to their own opinion, but when does that opinion start becoming something that interferes with the relationship between you and that person?

Majority of you have a strong opinion on something, whether it is on something controversial or something close to you. Something that really matters to you, and you want people to know how you feel, and you want them to understand and feel a part of these opinions too. But when do you become someone that demands their voice to be heard over others without any consideration and thought?

I know that is quite a wide margin between inconsiderate, arrogance and confidence. But sometimes all three over lap- when you are persuading someone to think or understand your ways in debate you put all your effort into what you want to come across and try to knock down any ideas opposing you. That's just the nature of debate; but in the real world who would really put up with someone who sends their thoughts out openly about them being right. And no other opinion or action is right other than theirs.

Although these are extreme cases,it still happens when someone like this comes to power. Enough power to demand their ideas are only right, and the whole country should accept that or face the consequences. No one wants to believe these people exist- those people who use their power to force their prejudices against whole countries. But it has happened more than once, how do these people come to power?

Those dictators or leaders are the reason that majority of the countries that have had genocide happened. That one person had the power to change hundreds, thousands or even millions of their people's minds on who they feel are "good" and "bad" just due to race, colour, religion- anything they can pick on and have a justifiable reason to commit such horrible crimes.

Just to pick the obvious two- although you might have thought about different leaders, Hitler and Stalin. Both lead millions to their death and forced work camps. But although both of these power people have "punished" people within their rule, both are so different. Hitler aimed his "punishments" towards groups of people, sending out the message of hatred against these groups. While Stalin chose people at random, just to prove that he had the power to denounce anyone.

So which was worse? Making millions of people die because of who they are? Or millions of people dying just because they could?

So when does personal opinion become a demand on people? When those opinions are something that could effect millions? Or is it when they no longer let anyone else have the freewill of speech?

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