Thursday, 16 February 2012

Bereavement: a fancy name for grief.

Everyone at some point in their lives has had to deal with death, that makes it sound like everyone has met the grim reaper! But everyone has had different experiences with it, whether it is the natural way of life, or that death is just an envitiable part of life... Destruction.

All those movies making death seem like just another step, a step every living thing takes. But the way death is portrayed can vary so much between different films or even percieved by different people. For example if you watch some action film where there is implied or actual torture the value of all the characters lives go down because people are so willing to kill or cause pain to a character. If you compare that against a movie that purposefully gets you attached to a character to then find out they have died or have been injured, you feel so much more for that person (or even animal).

But no matter how you may feel about death and how you deal with it, every human has gone through some sort of experience with death. So you should never feel alone, but being alone in a world full of the same people: full of people who are similar to you, full of people who have gone through what you have gone through.

Everyone has their own way with dealing with situations, and everyone may have slightly different perceptions of death. But never feel alone. I know that is easier said than to be done (as most things are) but there is help out there; you don't have to be alone. Getting help, or even admitting to needing someone to help you isn't a sign of weakness, it's a sign of being strong enough to admit and begin to pick up he pieces. Be an inspiration for others out there who are dealing with the same pains as you.

You can be your own inspiration.


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