Sunday, 18 March 2012

A picture can speak a thousand words.

"A picture can speak a thousand words"- probably everyone has heard this saying at one point in their life, but can a picture really capture everything that is to be said in a thousand words just by that millisecond of taking that photo?

What about the fact that "actions speak more than words" doesn't that mean that actions mean more than that picture holding 1000 words? How can simple actions be more than those well thought out words trying to express everything to someone else?
But maybe these are just opinions on what people prefer more- actions, words or just a millisecond slice of it- And really depends on the situation.

Personally little actions do speak more than words for me, think about a time when someone has really made you smile. Was it because they were writing a long essay to you, or just because they made you feel safe with something simple as a smile towards you? I think body language can speak more than words, if someone is saying sorry but not looking in your eyes you wouldn't believe that they are truly sorry, and in that aspect I think body language can make either the perfect moment or break it completely. Showing that the words of pictures have to be followed by the good intentions of the actions, so without the action in the first place there wouldn't be that same feeling and love within those loving words or picture.

I love standing back and watching those perfect moments unfold, just like in the romantic films you see.
Where the guy is always the caring gentleman, the woman is always vulnerable but strong willed- and together they make it through everything.

That kind of love doesn't need those long essays, or constant reminders of how much they mean to each other. They are just reminded by the fact they feel safe knowing that they are there together, and those little actions of constant selflessness for the other person just shows how they feel. I think every girl has the same feeling- wanting their guy to be their knight in shining armour.

Sorry for the soppy post today, I think I needed it against all my rather cynical posts!



  1. This makes me think :)

    In some ways a picture could be worth a thousand words but it is sad. I am thinking of the advocates for abuse and other things.Like starving children.Or the war pictures :(

    Then you can have your happy pictures also. Pictures are good.

    The last part I do agree with 100% where you say it depends on the situation :)

  2. Hmm, i agree that actions speak louder than words. when you think about it, there is only so much that an empty sentence can convey without the emotion of a screaming child, crying woman or laughing boy behind them.
    love your blog! check out mine, follow back if you like it?
